Sunday, January 27, 2008

A near perfect Sunday...

Present: Two sleeping kittens, knitting, a couch, and the laptop about to show Netflix online
Missing: Chocolate (upstairs and would require waking a kitten) and my husband (working)

Enjoy your Sunday afternoon!


Jane Doe Jenn said...

Love the side bar counters. That's quite a few projects on the go! I don't even have that many needles, so it would be impossible for me - I'm just starting out at knitting, so I have 3 pairs of needles. But I suppose I would make it more interesting to have a few projects on the go, so you could switch when to something else when you need a break. I'm on the waiting list for Ravelry, so I'll have to try out the counter thingy when I get on board there. Love the little cat photos. Adorable!

alissa said...

Yeah, I don't usually have so many things in progress at once. ;-) But Christmas knitting contributed to the problem. i.e. things I started for Christmas and then never finished (cough cough, two dishcloths and a pair of Dashing) ;-)


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